Our Elephant Friends

Our Bestestest Elephant Friends

Thank you for making my life so full of sunshine!!

Niclas ‘Svenny Poo Pants’ Klixbull, Ruwan, Princess Rani, Emily ‘As good as it gets’ Corbett, Stu ‘Snakerson’ Thompson,  Jean Baptise ‘Jeebee’ Pouchain, Chris ‘Fuffy’ Statham, Halina ‘Seacow’ Pokoj, Wayne ‘Wangel’ Beaumont, Sally ‘Somerset Saaahaaaaallaaaaay’ Welburn, Tamsin ‘Tamsin Style’ Webb and Laura ‘Laaawra’ Pannitt.

Thank you for making my life so full of sunshine!!

Emily, you are a shining star and you are missed hugely. Can’t wait to see you again one day xxx

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One thought on “Our Elephant Friends

  1. Emily Corbett

    Way to break a girls heart! This is blown up and hangs proudly on my wall so I can see your ugly faces every day. Life will never be the same, I MISS AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH! xxxxxxx

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