Monthly Archives: April 2012

Arrival at the MEF

After a long 22 hours of traveling, filled with many crosswords, games of chess and lots of delicious food, the captain finally announced our descent. Peering eagerly out of the window into the night, the land was covered in a blanket of lights twinkling gently like stars.

Eyes, tired from lack of sleep, could not close as there was just too much to see and take in. On arrival at the MEF, we met Amie and after a long time dreaming about it, finally met the elephants!

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Advice… Never travel with Halina & Me!

Halina and myself have a knack of making wrong decisions, for example, you know when you queue up in a supermarket and there are loads of queues to choose from? Well no matter which one we choose, even if there are only 1 or 2 people in it, every other person in the supermarket (including ones who haven’t even started queuing yet) will probably check out and leave before us! Be it vouchers, staff changes, card errors, you name it… it happens to us! Anyway, I digress…

Our flight back to Tenerife was at 6:45am, and you have to be at the airport about 2 hours early, aaand we had a rental car to take back, aaaaaand we stayed with our friends Mike & Hannah (cheers guys) who live roughly an hour from the airport… hence we got up at the lovely lovely hour of 3am! super duper!

We made our way to the airport without any problems, apart from Halina, but some problems you learn to live with! We sat down and ate our overpriced food, I went for a breakfast sandwich which was lovely, Halina went for a spicy wrap, bit odd for 5am! Then we went through security and as usual Halina had to be frisked, by a security lady who wasn’t in the best of moods… probably due to the size the friskee!

When boarding the plane Halina says ‘let’s sit at the back of the plane so there’s less chance of sitting next to loads of screaming kids and we’ll be able to get off quicker’. Sounds like a plan, normally we sit near the middle of the plane and it does take a little while to get off, so I complied and we sat right at the back. Just as the plane was almost full ‘the family’ get on; the parents and their 5 kids… and the only seats left are the few scattered in front of us at the back of the plane, 4 hours of screaming kids and parents that scream at their screaming kids.
Good one Halina!

We land in Tenerife, grab our bags and stand ready to leave the plane via the rear door, and the lady kindly informs us that they are only letting people off the front of the plane today.
Good one Halina!!

After waiting 45 minutes for the bus we hopped on board and sighed a comical sigh thinking we were on the final leg of the journey… We were one the 480 bus which takes a small detour past the hospital, unfortunately someone had parked their estate with half of it sticking out into the route around the hospital, we sat for 40 minutes with lots of  cars behind, hospital security trying to find the owner and lots of people pointing at the car. When the guy came back, I can only guess as to what the Security Lady said to him, as she was frantically waving her arms around in his face!

There was a round of applause from everyone as he drove off, then Halina jokingly said ‘knowing our luck there will be another we can’t get past the other side of the hospital’.
Another 15 minute wait!

So, as the title suggests, if you happen to find out you’re booked on to a bus, plane or any other mode of transport with us… it might be a good idea to burn your ticket and get a different one!

It was a very long but very very amusing day!

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